Category: Personal Perspectives
Spotlight On: Alicia Briscoe, third-year dental student
As part of our new profile series on dental students and recent graduates, Alicia Briscoe, a third-year student at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, shares her experiences and advice with other dental students around the country. Check out her feature on our Instagram page! What’s been most fun in dental school? Learning about the various aspects of dentistry and how it’s much more than just “teeth,” also, the addition hands-on training. I know that once I start seeing…
Striving for vs. attaining perfection. Where do you fit in?
Dentistry in one of the few fields of study where what we create, as practitioners, is physical in nature. As a result of that, it’s easy for us to compare the fruits of our labor to photographs found in textbooks or ones referenced on the lecture circuit. All too often we lose sight of the fact that we work in a very unforgiving environment of a human mouth. We try to recreate the ‘Taj Mahal” of crowns in patients who…
In Sickness and in Health…Till Death Do Us Part – Dr. Pamela Marzban
One of the biggest reasons I became a dentist is because I wanted a career where I could connect with people and help them with their overall well-being. I never realized the extent of how that would end up impacting my life and how priceless that is to me. I am a fee for service, sole practitioner that’s been in private practice for over 16 years. I have seen my pediatric patients grow up, go to college, start careers, get…
Creating a Culture of Possibility – Libby Gill
The most significant – and often overlooked – element in the workplace today, hope is the critical component that drives success. There’s an old joke… “If you’re leading and nobody’s following, maybe you’re just taking a walk.” So what are those elusive qualities of leadership that create the kind of engaged and collaborative followship that drives high performance? That’s a question that has been discussed and debated by everyone from Alexander the Great to Jack Welch. I believe that there…
A Night at the Museum by Jennifer Ochman
Where can you see a dental set that cleaned the teeth of royalty, or a massive dental cabinet built specifically for the Centennial Exhibit of 1876? At the National Dental Museum on the grounds of the University of Maryland, Baltimore. On Thursday, June 4, a team from Benco Dental traveled to Baltimore to help host the Lucy Hobbs Project annual celebration. I got to be part of that group and when we weren’t helping, we were checking out the dental…