Tag: tips
Featured Podcast of the Month – Safe Effective Communication
Check out our featured podcast for August! This month, we’ll take a listen to Safe Effective Communication featuring Dr. Howard Farran and Dr. Bryan Laskin. Click on the link and enjoy!
Batting Lessons for Success – Dr. Jessica Stroud
My four-year-old son played baseball this summer. He only swung a bat for the first time at his first baseball practice. Needless to say, he had to learn the basics and had the attention span that one would expect out of a four year old. But when the games got started, I was reminded of some very basic concepts of success. Sometimes people become successful through sheer luck; however, don’t count on this – it’s a rarity at best. The…
5 Ways to Become a More Proactive Leader – Dr. Pamela Marzban
Let’s face it…owning a business has many challenges. Through the years, I have found that attaining the right skills to be a strong leader is top of that list. How you carry yourself in your office will be mirrored by your team and will ultimately become the image of your practice. This idea may be a hard to accept for some of us…but nonetheless, it is true. I believe at the core if every good leader is a common trait…
Never Settling – Angela Cotey
Dentistry has so many opportunities with the best part being you really have a lot of choices and can chose your own destiny. When I graduated dental school from Marquette University, I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I knew there were endless possibilites for me to explore. I had the amazing opportunity to join the US Navy during dental school. I got to travel the world and take care of the outstanding individuals who serve our…
Top 6 Things You’re Currently Doing You Need to Stop
Pulitzer Prize winning American novelist Ellen Glasgow wrote, “The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.” This makes me wonder, if dentists find themselves in so many daily ruts, why do they keep digging? What’s the cause behind the compulsory attitude and behaviors commonly repeated by dentists that kills their practices, makes them unhappy, and prevents them from living their best life? The answer is easy, albeit a complex issue: Stress.
There are thoughts and behaviors dental professionals have that perpetuate their stress cycle. Identifying these habits and putting a direct stop to them can prevent you from having a long and stressful career. Here are the top 6 things you’re currently doing you need to stop before you dig your own grave.