Keep Watching this Woman: Dr. Kady Rawal honored among ADA 10 Under 10
All dentists — and people in general — can take #Thursdayinspiration from Dr. Kadambari “Kady” Rawal.
“I enjoy wearing all the hats!” says this ray of light in the profession.
The Boston-based thirtysomething earned The Lucy Hobbs Project Women to Watch Award in 2016 from Benco Dental, and this year received commendations as a recipient of the “Ten Under Ten” award from the Massachusetts Dental Society and as one of the American Dental Association’s 10 Under 10.
Her thoughts on these honors speak to a deep level of commitment to her patients.
“I feel extremely fortunate that prestigious organizations like the ADA, MDS and LHP have taken notice of my work and have honored me with recognition.
The awards have helped direct a lot of attention towards oral health outreach and geriatric dentistry, two causes very close to my heart and have made graduating dental students curious about careers in dental public health and geriatric dental medicine.
There is so much more work to be done and I’m glad to have the constant motivation to achieve more and keep moving forward.”
Gratitude plays a huge role in her life.
“I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my family and my mentors at BU for their constant encouragement. All of my achievements are a reflection of their support.”
Dr. Rawal spends part of her workweek treating adults at Boston University’s Dental Health Center Faculty Practice, and dedicates other days attending to geriatric patients — most 85 and older — at the dental clinics at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center and Hebrew Senior Life, both in the Boston suburbs.
There she finds fulfillment and motivation to do even more.
“I feel both humbled and honored to be recognized on a list with such incredible dentists who have made phenomenal contributions to the society and our profession.
The most challenging experience in recent years has been continuing to work at a full- time clinician and faculty position while pursuing my dental specialty and MSD degree part time. It was a very fulfilling experience defending my thesis on ‘End of life dental service utilization by geriatric patients’.
As a clinician I have provided dental treatments for geriatric patients for several years but looking at the patient data from a research perspective really brought out some important findings. It gave me an in-depth insight into dental services that were being most utilized by patients in the last few years of their lives. There is very little research out there on this important topic and more research is needed to help create clinical guidelines.”
Focused on the year ahead
Dr. Rawal has high hopes for 2019, and a plan of action to realize them.
“This year my goal is to apply for grants to continue the outreach programs to provide treatment and oral health education in the U.S. and in India.
While clinical dentistry keeps me busy in Boston, I’m also hoping to continue my research and work on publishing my findings as well.
Being in academics gives me a unique ability to be a full-time clinician while also being an educator, researcher, grant writer and public health dentist — I enjoy wearing all the hats!”
Nominate an inspirational woman in dentistry today
Annually, Benco Dental pays tribute to the first woman in the U.S. to receive a dental degree by honoring six pioneering women in the dental profession with an award created in Dr. Hobbs name: The Lucy Hobbs Project
At Benco’s annual Lucy Hobbs Project Celebration, we invite the dental community to honor award recipients in six categories:
- Woman to Watch: An up-and-coming leader who utilizes her position to create positive change,
- Industry Icon: A trailblazer who is consistently recognized and admired for her work in dentistry,
- Mentor: An advisor who recognizes the importance of supporting, educating and encouraging others,
- Innovator: A groundbreaker who demonstrates a willingness to implement new technologies and business processes without fear of potential failure,
- Humanitarian: An altruist who works tirelessly for a cause that benefits the well-being of others, and
- Clinical Expert: A skillful practitioner who embraces advancements and integrates them into patient care.
Individuals and organizations are invited to submit nominations. Self-nominations are accepted.
Nominate before April 26 deadline:
About The Lucy Hobbs Project
Founded by Benco Dental, The Lucy Hobbs Project is a national program focused on innovation, networking and giving back. Ten thousand members strong, the program helps women in all facets of dentistry – dentists, dental assistants, hygienists, receptionists, sales representatives and others – to use their voices as a force for change. Named for Dr. Lucy Hobbs Taylor, who in 1866 became the first American female to earn a degree in dentistry, the Project offers free membership. To join, visit:
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