How can dentists support children in need of foster and adoptive parents in Illinois?
Participate in a give back event to benefit Let It Be Us this October in Chicago.
Children who are coming out of the hospital. Children who have never celebrated a birthday. Children who require foster parents with knowledge of American Sign Language or those interested in learning. Children who need love and hope.
These are just a few of those who find homes through the innovative programming of Let It Be Us.
The 501(c)3 Nonprofit and Child Welfare Organization founded in 2014 “designs strong and innovative programming to build a bridge between waiting children, including those who are in emergent need and/or are challenging to place, and foster and adoptive parents.”
Attendees at the 7th annual Lucy Hobbs Project Celebration of women in dentistry, hosted at The Blackstone in Chicago, will participate in a giveback activity to benefit Let It Be Us on Saturday, October 5.
How is Let It Be Us Making a Difference?
Susan A. McConnell, the organization’s Founder and Executive Director shares a bit about the Heart Gallery, one of the Let It Be Us recruitment tools that using technology to put the information of waiting children directly into the hands of parents who are licensed and also waiting.
“I was on the team that brought the Heart Gallery of Illinois to life – the State’s first photo listing of children awaiting adoption. It’s a beautifully designed digital recruitment tool. I’m especially proud of the fact that the Heart Gallery on our website has special features that promote every child equally. In terms of site visits, user engagement and recruiting parents for the Heart Gallery’s waiting children, our work ranks among the top in the nation.”
Let It Be Us, according to their website, “was founded on the statistics from the University of Chicago’s Chapin Hall study of children in foster care in the Midwest and those who age out of foster care, combined with the fact that Illinois ranks last in the nation at achieving permanency for her children in foster care and also ranks last in the nation at achieving adoption for her waiting children.”
Learn more about Let It Be Us
Learn more:
Register to attend the Lucy Hobbs Project Celebration in Chicago and take part in the give back event